
Friday, January 2, 2015


Well, not really, but that is the only sock related pun I could think of in short notice.

I am not darning socks, I am knitting them.  This isn't my first try to knit socks, just the first one that has not yet been abandoned in frustration.  We'll see how this goes.

Dd 17 (That's the oldest.) knit me a pair of socks for Christmas.  They are lovely.  They fill my with warm feelings for how well she did and her thoughtfulness.  They also fill me with thoughts of inadequacy about my own skills and how I gave up knitting socks a couple of years ago and never got anything out of the yarn I bought (except for a quick and easy Christmas gift for her this year that I had paid for a long time ago.)  (Not the yarn she used to knit my socks.  She took that out of the same stash, though.)

In honor of my 42 things I want to do while I am 42, I have picked back up the double-pointed needles and will give this crazy idea another try.

In other news, I was very tempted to skip my walk today.  It is cold and wet and I didn't want to also be cold and wet.  But I still went.  More for the photography than the exercise.  I was willing to skip the exercise, but I am trying to take photos every day this year and did not want to just click a snapshot of the junk on my desk.  Do you think the calories I burned know that I wasn't there for them?  Anything that gets me moving is good, so I'll take it.  This Photo365 project might be a better wonder than just practice looking through the view-finder.  (I am not actually looking through a view finder anyway, since it is a digital camera.)

Yesterday and today were both walks around the park across the street.  Both days have been overcast and rainy.  I went both days around noon.  You really cannot tell much difference in the photos from today and those of yesterday.  Plus, the only interesting thing out there was birds.  Yesterday I got a nice picture of a blue heron (I think) and today I focused on ducks.  I am going to get very tired of damp waterfowl if things don't change.  Maybe I should go to the mall.

One of the shots today was of the waterfall at the spillway on the other end of the pond.  I didn't notice until I was looking over the pics after the walk how interesting the raindrop ripples were.  (The waterfall was not all that interesting.)  Tomorrow, if I am lucky enough that it is raining again, (sigh) I will try to get shots focusing on ripples.  Or at least something that is not a bird.

What have I learned so far?  Apertures are tricky.  Cloudy lighting is good for lighting, but gloomy.  And I need a tripod.

I usually post pics unrelated to the blog entry, but...
for your enjoyment, an uninteresting waterfall.


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